Catalog Number: MTM-45-16088
Writer: Paul Tynan
Difficulty: Med-Hard
Style: Swing
Description: Fast and aggresive, More Than Just a Single Road is inspired by a photograph by Twin Cities artist, Jennifer Sandquist. Full of twists and turns, it's a strong opener or closer for a well-rehearsed band. It featuring solos for trumpet, baritone sax and drums.
Appears On:
Paul Tynan & Aaron Lington – “BiCoastal Collective: Chapter Five” (not yet released)
Top Note Trumpet: High F#
Top Note Trombone: F#
Mutes: None
Doubles: None
Alto 1, Alto 2, Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bari Sax, Trumpet 1-4, Trombone 1-4, Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums
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